Taking a Closer Look at 2022 Energy Standards

Hold the Standard
The 2022 Energy Code is an important part of California’s work to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. The Energy Code is updated every three years with the mandate to increase building energy efficiency while staying cost-effective for building owners over the lifespan of a building. Increases in energy efficiency and on-site generation will include: Reduced utility bills, Improvement of indoor comfort and air quality, Increased market value, and Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
As a refresher, the updated California solar mandates of 2020 required that all new residential homes meet Title 24 requirements, which made California’s code the first in the nation to require solar for newly built homes. The 2022 updates aim to increase the adoption of new energy efficient technology, including a large emphasis on expanding solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with onsite battery storage. These goals are designed to increase the number of energy efficient homes and businesses in California, save consumers money, and improve the quality of our environment.
DSEA will be highlighting some information from Energy Code Ace and the 2022 Energy Code that will be going into effect by January of 2023. These will include some new standards for Residential and Non-Residential projects, ranging from Solar power, to Batteries, to cool Roofing systems and more. It’s great to get ahead of some of these updates now so you don’t hit the plan submission rush in December.